The Department of Planning is charged with the responsibility of supporting the Central Planning Authority and Development Control Board in regulating all forms of physical development in the Cayman Islands. 
Our Focus

Our Department is focused on the following three areas.


Current Planning

Responsible primarily for processing development applications for presentation to the Central Planning Authority (CPA) on Grand Cayman and the Development Control Board (DCB) on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman.



Building Control

Reviews applications for building permits and inspects the structural, plumbing, electrical and mechanical components of buildings and structures to ensure that Central Planning Authority and Development Control Board approved developments comply with all the codes.



Policy Development

Responsible for policy preparation and long-range planning issues such as land-use policies, conducting special studies, recommending revisions to the Development Plan, processing rezoning applications, reviewing Designating Order applications and preparing proposed amendments to the Development Plan, Planning Law and Regulations.